I’m new.

This is my first blog. And my first post. It’s pretty similar to other firsts in life–that feeling of apprehension, anxiety, doubt, excitement. I chose to start a blog because after having my second child (in two years)! I was ready to get back to what I’ve always loved doing: running. I was out of competitive commission when I was pregnant and while I still ran, and still ran in races, it wasn’t the same because, well, I was pregnant. WIth my first, I had the usual first pregnancy jitters. Should I still run? What if something goes wrong? Of course, it’s actually beneficial, and recommended, that you exercise during pregnancy, but I was new. The second time around, a year later, I was definitely more comfortable, and knowledgeable, about exercising and running while pregnant. I ran a 5k a week after I found out I was expecting and a half marathon at 15 weeks. I ran until I was 26 weeks and continued walking up to delivery.

Exercising while pregnant actually helped me get back to running post pregnancy; I ran my first 5k 6 weeks after giving birth to my son!


Here I am, a month later deciding to document my journey back to running. It’s funny because this time around, as far as my running is concerned, I’m more confident than ever!

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  1. Pingback: Happy Blogversary To Meeee!!! | hellyontherun