Halfway there! Hopefully….
It was a busy week despite no running as it was finals week at work and my last official week of teaching.
Monday started our Secret Santa exchange and I knew I was off to a good start with who I got:

I did an medium/easy upper body workout before bed. Just a series of different arm weight reps, nothing big.
I had a few friends and their kids over Tuesday to do some pre-birthday celebrating and it was fun to chat with friends who would tolerate me complaining about not being able to run.
One minute plank before bed.
Wednesday was my birthday!! 😀 I turned the big 3-1 and would’ve liked to run a nice, neat 5k (3.1) but alas…
I did however, go to track to hang out with my running buddies. If I can’t run, at least I can hang out with people who love to run.
Let it be known, that up to this day, I had gone 2+ weeks with NO SODA. Since the discovery of my injury, I had proposed to myself a challenge of no soda during my no running time frame.
But, so many of my students knew of my love of all things Coke and I was treated to several different sizes of the beverage on my birthday. I couldn’t turn it down.
I could totally feel it though, as I spent the entire day bloated, lol!!
Thursday, I did this video and I felt so good afterward. She can be a little….much…but she’s a good distraction as I find myself listening to her instead of focusing on how I’m struggling with the reps, lol!
It was my official last day at work on Friday and I certainly felt the love from my students. There were moments of the day that were tough, but overall I felt more relieved than sad, and that made me feel like I had made the right decision.
Our local running store had a Donut Run/Walk 5k Saturday morning and my daughter and I were all about it.
I skipped the donuts though, letting my daughter take care of it 🙂
Later that night, it was our run club’s holiday party and oh boy….
Each year there are gag gifts sprinkled in the White Elephant exchange (that’s where you pick a present but don’t know who it’s from). Of course I ended up picking a gag gift … It was a pair of lingerie underwear!! I was SO embarrassed and was forced to hold up the gift for all to see. I don’t want a picture of me holding up a pair of pink lacy underwear on the inter webs so I’m skipping posting the pic LOL But here’s one of me while opening it and dying.
It was a fun, busy week that kept me distracted from not being able to run. I’ll be attempting my first swimming adventure on Tuesday and that will definitely be interesting…jaja!!!
I hope everyone has a great week and happy holiday! ❤ , helly
–Any fun holiday party stories??
–What did you ask Santa for for Christmas??
–Anyone else with a birthday in December? Do you get the, “This is your birthday AND Christmas gift.” Grrr…LOL
Happy Birthday 🙂 Enjoy your break with your kiddos! Happy Holidays 🙂
Thank you so much! Hope you have a good one as well! ❤
Happy birthday!!!
I dropped out of the workforce to raise my son when I was about your age, and I was relieved too. Trying to work full time at a demanding job and raising a then toddler was making both my husband and me completely stressed out. You sound happy with your decision and m glad for you guys!
Yes, the stress level was getting for real…Plus, my husband travels a lot and I felt like I was (and I really was) solo parenting. I’m def feeling like we made the right move 🙂
Happy Birthday! Love your gift lol, sounds like your running buddies have a sense of humour! We had our running club xmas party and there was basically a shit ton of food and merriment, was lovely to see everyone and so weird to think I only joined 6 months ago!
Love the donut dash btw. Your girl looks so pleased with her stash!
Oh I love my running group and I always encourage others to find one! So glad to hear you’ve found a group that fits you 🙂 So much fun!
Happy birthday! I am firmly of the opinion that if you have a birthday around Christmas, you also get to celebrate your half birthday 😀
Ooooh, I like that!!! I celebrate my kids’ half birthday 😀 why not mine??
I am glad you feel like you made the right decision about leaving your job to focus more on your OTHER job! 🙂
Right!!?? 🙂
Happy belated birthday! For not running, you sure had a jam packed week. Hope the healing is going well.
Yes, it helped being busy!! I have an appt next week to see how things are going 🙂 fingers crossed!
Happy birthdya! My father-in-law and both of my sisters-in-law have December birthdays, and Ben is VERY good about saying “This is your BIRTHDAY gift, and this is your CHRISTMAS gift.”
My Ben is too, lol! He’s heard my sad stories growing up of having a birthday so close to x-mas, doubled with having a brother with a birthday near mine which meant ONE birthday party for the both of us 😦 jaja!!
Happy birthday! I know not running is freaking tough, but I’m glad you’re making the most of your recovery! Blogilates is tough but always makes me feel like I’ve done something really good for my body afterward!
I’m def a fan of BLogilates but I can’t believe she talks through the whole thing! I spend most of the time wondering how she does it and before I know, time is up! LOL
Happiest of birthdays to you!!!! I’ve not been running a lot myself, but for different reasons of course. Sending you big hugs and lots of holiday wishes! ❤
Thanks and I hope you have a great week!! ❤
Thank you!! Xo
Happy Birthday Helly! Mine is January 7th and forever for eternity I would get birthday?Christmas gifts. Such a crappy deal. When we come out to Arizona we should go out for our birthday dinners! Ha! Just make sure you wear the pink lacy underwear.
YES PLEASE!!!!! (but no undies, lol!)
Haha, we always do gag gifts for white elephant exchanges, that’s the fun part!! Sounds like you are coping pretty well with the no running!! Happy Belated Birthday!!
There is so much awesome in this post! Happy birthday, and yay for donut runs!