Friday Five–More Random Stuff About Me

I’m linking up again with the girls from the DC Trifecta Cynthia, Mar, and Courtney for the weekly Friday Five–today’s theme, 5 Things About Me . (And if you want a double dose of Helly, I’m also a guest at my friend Jana’s blog, Running Vegetarian!)
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As if you already don’t know a lot of randomness about me lol! I’ve shared quite a bit in the past here, here, and here.

Okay, let’s see…

1. Word Nerd Alert! I briefly noted in one of the aforementioned posts that I used to read the dictionary. When I was around 10, my grandpa gave me a really cool, old, hardcover dictionary that I thought was awesome. So I carried it around with me everywhere with a notebook where I’d write down words that interested me. I don’t why, but I thought this was fun and didn’t think it was weird at all.

I got to the letter ‘L’, and fittingly, to the word “lackadaisical” when I stopped.

2. I was a pregnant prom queen. Let me explain lol! I was chosen by my students two years ago for faculty prom queen. I also happened to be 7 months pregnant!

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I got to keep the tiara!

3. I knew I was going to marry my husband before we even dated. We were friends in high school but never dated. I always thought he was cute and all around the perfect guy though. I found out near the end of our senior year that we were going to the same college so in his yearbook I wrote that if he wasn’t married in 10 years, that we were going to get married. We started dating our sophomore year and got married in 2005. It only took 7 years after I wrote that note 🙂

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4. *Peanut butter disgusts me. I can’t even smell it. Eating it makes me nauseated and I just tell people I’m allergic to it so that they can keep it away from me. (Sorry, Amber! Can we still be friends??)

5. I once walked into burglars stealing stuff from my house. I was in high school coming home from basketball practice. It was late and my mom wasn’t home. I didn’t hear anything walking up but as soon as I unlocked the door and walked inside, two guys went running out the back door! It was so freaky and for a second I had no idea what to do. This was pre everyone having a cell phone so I had to use our house phone to call 911 and the phone line was dead!! I ended up running to a friend’s house to call the police.

How about you? Any random things about yourself you’d like to share? Do you abhor peanut butter like I do or have walked into people stealing things from your house?

Hope everyone has a great weekend!! Are you racing or long running? Let me know!

* This was a repeat but I feel so strongly about it, it was worth another spot on the list.

Random Things I Love

Here’s my obligatory Valentine’s Day blog about love : )

Of course we love our family, we love our kids, we love our jobs (well some of us do!), we love running, but today I want to share with you the little things that make me happy–just out of the blue things that bring a smile to my face : )

Random Things I Love:
(in no particular order)

1. I love how all the people who live on my street park their cars on their driveways or in their garage. There are zero cars lined on the street and this really makes me happy.

2. I love that my mom never leaves me voicemails. She’ll simply text me to call her back.

3. I love that Coca-cola puts their caffeine measurement on their cans. When I was pregnant, I wanted to know how much caffeine I was consuming and there it was, easy to find.

4. I love that Arizona doesn’t experience daylight savings time.

5. I love our Tempurpedic bed. It’s seriously the best ever ever.

6. I love the remote start on my car. I can get the A/C going before I get in.

7. I love Craig Sager. His style choices amuse me.

8. I love the refrigerator in my room. Another pregnancy related love–I’d get so thirsty and make my husband go downstairs to get me water he finally just bought a mini fridge and it’s never left our room.

9. I love that Jimmy John’s delivers even if you’re buying just one sandwich.

10. I love that I haven’t conformed to mechanical pencils.

11. I love the timer on my oven. I barely discovered it about a month ago and a lot of food has been saved since then. (I seriously thought the button was just to set the clock time.)

12. I love it when people tell me they can’t believe I run with no music.

13. I love forever stamps. I never have to worry if I have the current stamp price I just stick it on the envelope.

14. I love that Derek Jeter stayed a Yankee his entire career. I’m not a Yankee fan, or really a baseball fan for that matter, but I like loyalty and there’s not a whole lot of that in sports nowadays.

–Of course now I want to know some random things YOU love!! Share them in the comments section below!!

Don’t forget the runningluv giveaway is still happening! Click here to enter to win a FREE runningluv towel of your choice!

Week Three Marathon Training Recap

One of the things I hear the most from people is, “You always have something going on!” It’s true. It’s like I thrive on having a lot to do jaja! That’s actually part of why my blog is named hellyontherun—I’m always running around everywhere, literally and figuratively

This past week was busy busy as I’m sure it was for most Americans preparing for the holidays. Last Sunday we began Christmas decorating (I know, I know, Thanksgiving hadn’t even happened) and I had the cutest little helper.


I had to rearrange my training schedule for the holiday and because we were going out of town so I did my tempo run on Monday—a chill 4 miles. On Tuesday I had my doctor’s appointment to check out my shins which I wrote about here. Tuesday this guy also had an appointment–


–his 4 month check-up. Yep, 4 months already!

That same day (told you I was busy) we hit the road down south.


Wednesday, my husband and I ran an easy 2 miles to get acclimated to the cold weather. I love running in Douglas but I forget how cold it can get there.

Thursday was Turkey Trot 5k day and boy was it an awesome day : )


Friday morning my husband and I did another easy 2 miles (I started the Runner’s World Streak Challenge on Thanksgiving) before we hit the road back to Phoenix.

Saturday morning at 5:30 I was up and ready for my long run, 8 miles. I decided that after a whirlwind week I’d make it an easy 8 so I started the first half of it at a very comfortable pace. The second half I picked up the pace. Here are my all over the place splits:

1- 10:48
2- 10:51
3- 10:56
4- 10:52
5- 10:43
6- 10:17
7- 10:08
8- 9:43

19 total miles for the week and finished November with a grand total of 50.43 miles.

Oh, and this happened today : )


–Do you like having a lot of things going on?

–Are you excited for the holidays?